Treatment of brain injury by acupuncture

For brain hemorrhage, cerebral embolism and external brain injuries causing coma and paralysis, acupuncture therapy has significant effects. Through needle pricking specific points, the brain�s normal function can be activated, causing the patient to wake up or recover.

Case 1 21/5/2010
J.L, male, 59 years old, had surgery treatment at a teaching hospital in London because of twice brain hemorrhage, dead congested blood could not be cleared because the bleeding site was special, the patient had been in coma since he went into hospital, relying on tracheal tubes for breathing, nasal feeding and intravenous drips for sustaining life, the main doctor himself has already twice told each family member that the patient will die, or in the best case scenario go into a vegetative state. The family members then put their last hopes on acupuncture, and after getting the main doctor�s agreement, I gave the patient treatment after he had been in coma for three weeks, mainly focusing on regaining consciousness. The patient�s eyes were wide open, and my hand waving in front of the eyes, even touching the eyelashes produced no reaction. When the needle pricked the RenZhong acupuncture point, the patient rotated his head towards one side, when the needle pricked the tip of the middle finger, the patient retracted his hand, from this I knew the patient was capable of waking up. I gave needle therapy once every day, six times every week. During the sixth acupuncture, the patient had an obvious reaction, when I moved my needle-carrying hand near his eye, the patient promptly shut his eye, from this I knew the patient�s brain is much more awake. During the tenth acupuncture session, I asked the patient: if you can hear my words, then squeeze my hand; and the patient squeezed my hand, I asked the patient to repeat, and he squeezed my hand again, from this I knew that the patient already had the ability to control his skeletal muscles. After thirteen treatment sessions, the patient has obvious signs of regaining consciousness, I told the patient�s family members to ask the hospital to make a judgment of the patient�s coma state, the result was that the patient was showing thirst, hunger, and no pain. After finishing the twenty-first treatment, I said goodbye to the patient, the patient held out his right hand, squeezed my hand, and said goodbye, but because the patient had tracheal tubes, only movement of the mouth could be observed, no sound could be heard. At this point the patient was totally awake and could answer all kinds of questions. Now the patient can eat all kinds of foods independently, the tracheal tubes have been removed and the patient can say many things, and has already progressed to physical recovery.